Travel and Expense

Corporate travel and expense management are constantly evolving and keeping up is critical for both a positive employee experience and your company’s bottom line. Here's everything you need to know to stay ahead of the curve.

Articles about Travel and Expense

The healthier the financial processes, the better the oversight, the stronger the compliance, and the fewer inefficiencies that weigh the organization down. While there are many best practices and ti
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Sixtyone percent of global business travellers are unhappy with their current travel schedules Nearly a quarter of them are a flight risk The Great Resignation The Great Attrition Th...
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Well okay sure Sometimes its still going to be frustrating Infuriating even But when it comes to daytoday monotony and minutetominute minutia of thumbing through all that AP paperwor...
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Examining the five stages of travel and expense program maturity The pandemic didnt tap you on the shoulder and whisper Hey you should really think about updating your legacy travel ...
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Significant travel and expense management market developments that snuck up on everyone while we were otherwise occupied File this one under the its no ones fault category When the p...
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What to look for when looking for a travel and expense management solution It isnt about the money okay its about the money but in this case its about more than the money Any tool ca...
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