Policy compliance and fraud are challenges that all businesses face. With the right tools, your organization can increase compliance, mitigate risk, and stop fraud in its tracks.
Build a culture of compliance across your organization
Build a culture of compliance across your organization
Fraud and noncompliance hurt businesses of every size. Download our tip sheet and learn what your organization can do to control employee spending, make policy compliance easy for employees, and reduce losses due to accidental errors or fraudulent activities.
Improve employee compliance with T&E and Invoice policies
Improve employee compliance with T&E and Invoice policies
When you make the process simple and clear, employees find it easy to comply with spending policies. An intuitive mobile app reduces manual data entry and enables managers to review and approve expenses and invoices wherever they are.
Take photos of receipts and machine learning technology will read the data and auto-populate expense claims
Automatically match invoices to purchase orders and route to the right people in the approval chain
Company policies are automatically applied to flag anomalies
Using technology to audit spending can help you spot issues before they become costly problems. Download the eBook and learn five ways you can assess your current auditing process, and then read the blog to see how simplifying VAT reclaim can lead to a more resilient travel and expense (T&E) program.