A Special Holiday Video Message for Our Customers

SAP Concur Canada |

In November, our managing directors Kevin Craig and Brian Veloso got together to brainstorm how best to thank our SAP Concur solutions customers for their continued trust and partnership. After all, it has been a truly unusual year full of unexpected challenges for Canadian businesses of all types and sizes.

Since March, we strived to help move business forward by hosting a new webcast series called Insights On. The webcast series featured live discussions with a variety of top industry experts on timely business topics, such as “Why spend management automation is no longer optional”, “Prioritizing AP automation moving forward”, and “The shifting role and priorities of CFOs in 2021”. Over six months, we hosted 9 webinars for over 5,000 registrants. We also gathered more than 600 responses to multiple surveys with customers, attendees, and partners. 

Since the pandemic began, we also conducted numerous live demos of our Concur Expense and Concur Invoice solutions, and produced dozens of value-added ebooks, infographics, and thought-leadership reports for finance professionals and Canadian business leaders.

Through these efforts we heard first-hand how many of you are weathering disruptions to cash flow, plus heard success stories on how you’ve leveraged automation to make the lives of remote employees easier and more productive.

The question remained: How best to recognize our customers for their efforts and thank them in a socially responsible way? Brian and Kevin put their virtual heads together to create a holiday video message that’s truly a ‘sign of the times’.

We hope you have as much fun watching it, as they did making it!

Watch Video Message