How far do you have to go to connect all your travel data?
Business travel is booming, but not without its growing pains. Think of how things were booked just a few years back: Employees called up a travel agency and everything ran through the system.
Today, employees get an offer from their favorite hotel, so they book it. They find a better seat on a different airline (one with whom you haven’t negotiated), so they book it. They get inundated with offers from dozens of travel sites, and they forget (or neglect) to book it through your corporate booking tool. So you don’t know where they are, how they’re getting there or what they’re spending.
It’s a question of connection, and odds are, you’re not as connected as you’d like to be. Take a look at your current travel setup and ask yourself these three things:
- Does your travel solution connect to your existing systems?
When you’re connected, and you capture every itinerary, you get an accurate way to track all your spending.
- Does it connect to supplier data?
When you’re connected to airlines, hotels and other suppliers—and you can capture bookings made outside your booking tool—you can manage T&E spending whenever and wherever it happens.
- How about connecting to innovative, third-party applications?
When you’re connected to apps that manage mobile charges, tackle taxes and keep up with industry regulations, you can improve compliance and find new ways to save.
All your travel all in one place.
With a unified T&E solution, you can manage your travel program your way, travellers can plan their trips their way, and every itinerary and purchase is sent straight to your system. Plus, you’ll know where all your employees are at all times—and that takes care of your duty of care.